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Useful information for Ukranians
10 March 2022
Useful information for Ukranians
Health obligations, accomodation and how to regularize your position
Below we indicate some important and useful information regarding your stay in Italy and we invite you to regularize your stay in the shortest possible time to access healthcare and logistics support
Health obligations in compliance with anti Covid-19 legislation for Ukrainian citizens arriving from Ukraine and third country nationals arriving from Ukraine
In order to legally stay in our country you have to comply with the following rules:
• Until the 31st of March 2022, you are required to take a SARS COVID19 antigenic swab or a molecular test within 48 hours from the entry on the national territory.
• Within 5 days following the swab test you are required to observe a self-monitoring period with the obligation to wear a FFP2 mask.
• Until the 31st of March 2022 and within 5 days from the swab test result, if negative, you are allowed to use public transport to reach healthcare and reception facilities, domicile as well as further available accommodation facilities, with the obligation to wear a FFP2 mask on board. It is also mandatory to provide a certificate proving that you have taken a negative molecular swab test within 72 hours, or a negative antigen test within 48 hours.
• At the point of entry into national territory or in any case within 5 days from the entry, the following will be guaranteed:
- administration of anti Covid-19, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis and Polio vaccines;
- optional administration of measles vaccine, mumps, rubella vaccines and tuberculosis screening test, as well as other vaccinations, following an evaluation of health authorities.
• Until the 31st of March 2022, pending the issuance of the so-called “strengthened” green pass, you are allowed to stay in accommodation centers, national reception and integration system facilities (SAI) or in other accommodation facilities where you will be hosted as well as in private homes made available. For information on the validity of your sanitary documentation and for any healthcare related queries, you can call the national toll-free number 1500 or the toll-free number of the Region where you are. You can also reach and consult the closest Local Healthcare Center (ASL).
Who can you address if you need an accommodation for yourself and your family
• If you do not have an accommodation, you can contact the Prefettura of the city where you are, reporting your situation and the necessity to be accommodated in a reception facility.
How to regularize your position on the Italian territory within the first 90 days of your stay
• As a Ukrainian citizen in possession of a biometric passport, you are exempt from the entry visa and allowed to stay on the Italian territory to a maximum of 90 days from the time of entry into the Schengen area.
• Regularize promptly your position on the territory in order to receive the assistance you need.
• If you are coming from a country of the Schengen area, for instance Slovenia, the authorities of that country have already affixed the entry stamp on your passport, therefore, you must start counting the 90 days from that date.
• If your passport has not been stamped yet, you must go to the Police Headquarters (Questura) - Immigration Office of the city where you are and sign the declaration of presence.
How to regularize your position on the Italian territory after 90 days from your entry date
• If you decide to stay in Italy more than 90 days, you must go to the Police Headquarters (Questura) - Immigration Office of the city where you are; you will there receive all the necessary information on the different possibilities to regularize your stay on the Italian territory.
Other information:
• Remind to always carry your passport and/or your ID document with you;
• If you do not have an ID document with you, the Ukrainian Embassy in Rome will assist you in the issuance of it.
• If you have any doubt about your stay in Italy, you can always get in contact with the Police Headquarters (Questura) - Immigration Office or with the nearest Local Police Station.
• For any need or health emergency, you can refer to the nearby hospital.
• Always remember to bring with you the anti Covid-19 certificate.
• For any other information concerning Covid-19, call the regional numbers on the brochure or the 24h Ministry of Health number 1500 from Italy or +390232008345 - +390283905385 from abroad.
List of the regional toll-free numbers on COVID-19
Abruzzo 800 595 459 Calabria 800 841 289 Campania 800 550 506 Emilia-Romagna 800 033 033 Friuli Venezia Giulia 800 909060 Lazio 800 118 800 Liguria 800 811 187 Lombardia 800 894 545 Marche 800 936 677 Piemonte 800 957 795 Provincia autonoma di Trento 800 867 388 Puglia 800 713 931 Sardegna 800 311 377 Sicilia 800 458787 Toscana 800 432525 Umbria 800 636 363 Valle d’Aosta 800 122 121 Veneto 800 462 340
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