HomeSearch HighlightsSocio-labour inclusion of vulnerable migrants in the construction sector

Socio-labour inclusion of vulnerable migrants in the construction sector

Collaboration among Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Ministry of the Interior and Social Partners to implement pathways to autonomy

Training and employing vulnerable migrants to accompany them to autonomy, responding to the construction sector's demand for labor and supporting growth driven by super bonus and PNRR. These are the goals of a memorandum of understanding signed in 2022 by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy and the Minister of the Interior with employer associations and unions in the construction sector.

The beneficiaries are asylum seekers, holders of international, temporary and special protection, unaccompanied foreign minors in transition to adulthood and former unaccompanied foreign minors, guests of Extraordinary Reception Centers  (Centri di Accoglienza Straordinaria) and the Receptionand Integration System (Sistema di Accoglienza e Integrazione, SAI). Thanks to this collaboration between the government and social partners, they can access pathways to social and labor inclusion, which include training courses and experience in companies.

The territories involved in the implementation of the protocol will be gradually expanded until 3,000 pathways are implemented throughout the country. More information is available in the following sections and associated news at the bottom of the page.

The Memorandum of Understanding

The Pathways to Social and Labor Inclusion

The territories